Wedding Wednesday: #VowVoxBox Review

Y’all! I just got one of the most awesome boxes ever from Influenster!  If you haven’t heard about them, read the fine print below! They are pretty awesome.  Well this past week I got what they call the #VowVoxBox, which included items directed towards brides.  So, I’m going to review some of those items for you here today!

  1. EcoTools Pure Complexion Facial Sponge
    So, I almost bought this product during one of my weekly shopping therapy sessions at Target last week.  Thankfully I didn’t, and now I get to try it for free.  Don’t be put off by the fact that it feels rough before use; it softens in water.  I think it will be just what I’ve been searching for! Further updates to come!
  2. Sally Hansen Complete Spa Manicure (in Barracuda Blue)
    This is a go-to toe nail color for one of my good friends, and rightfully so!  It’s a fabulous color, especially for the spring and summer.  Also, it’s perfect if you’re still looking for your ‘something blue’ for the big day.
  3. Olay Regenerist Tone Perfecting Cream
    Can I just say that my first reaction to this product was WOW! I couldn’t believe they included it in the FREE trial box.  Y’all, this product runs upwards of $30.  If you know me, you know I’m not likely to spend that much on beauty products, but I’ll always make an exception for a good moisturizer.  This gives my normal moisturizer a run for it’s money.
  4. Pure Silk Shave Cream
    Let me be honest here: I typically go with soap when it comes to shaving.  However, this was a nice product to have in the latest VoxBox.  No complaints!
  5. Tide to Go
    What a great item to incorporate into a wedding day survival kit. (Have y’all seen those? Aren’t they great?)  One tip, which is probably common sense: don’t use this on your wedding dress, obvi.
  6. Riley & Grey Wedding Websites
    When I was looking at wedding websites a couple of months back, I’ll admit that Riley and Grey would have been my first choice for several reasons.  They are absolutely gorgeous while at the same time incorporating everything you could wish for in a wedding website (including a RSVP component).  However, I will warn you that the price is more than what I was willing to pay.  Check it out for yourself, of course!